Thank you to all the people who remembered,and a bigger thank you to those who made an effort to make it special!!I do appreciate it alot!
The clock struck twelve and then came all the birthday wishes,which startled the me who was trying to get to sleep,so as not to be late for school.(anyway i was late..again..)
But no harm done!Cause all your sms-es brought about a smile.=)
Went to school and i received a gift from su zhen,ber,soo and rach!Thank you guys,really,for the effort in baking the brownies and making the card!I really do appreciate it alot!
My birthday came and i made a wish,8 months ago i knew what my wish was gonna be.And 8 months from then,now,i made another.I wished i would forget you and what you've done,much as i would love to remember the good,the bad just clouds everything.The hurt i felt left a scar,and i would wish for it to be removed along with the person who made it.I made a pact with myself on my birthday,that you'll be out of my life,and you will cease to exist in my heart.I'm gonna reserve the you for someone who deserves it and for someone who means much more.=)
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